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Five ways to get in shape for your next ski holiday

Five ways to get in shape for your next ski holiday

It’s that time of year again when ski holiday season is upon us, as we’re all dreaming of those fresh tracks and blue bird powder days...

Whilst we can’t control the weather and conditions, we can control how prepared we are to make the most of our treasured time on the mountain.

Here are our top tips to help you get into shape ahead of your next ski holiday …

  • Wall squats

Wall squats are a great way to help strengthen your thighs and an easy exercise to practice at home, without the need for gym access.

Simply place your back flat against a wall and put your feet out in front of you, bending your knees so you are creating a right angle with your body (almost like you are sitting on an invisible chair). 

Try to hold your position for at least 60 seconds. Then stand up and repeat three to five times.

You can try to hold your position a little longer as you get stronger and increase the number of repetitions.

This is a great way to build strength in your upper legs – ready to help you make the most of long days on the slopes.

 Wall Squat


  • Slacklining/Wobble board

When it comes to skiing and snowboarding the core skill is stance and balance – the more you can play with your balance to help improve it, the better.

Slacklining is a really fun way to play with and improve your balance – it’s almost like tight rope walking but without the big heights! It’s also a great way to engage your body core – and is really fun!

The team from Slacktivity Slackline, explain the basics in the video below.

If slacklining isn’t quite practical (it can be a but chilly to practice in winter) – try a wobble board – which are inexpensive to buy and can easily be used in the home or in your garden.

Maintaining a centred position on the board will help you maintain a centred position in your ski/snowboard boots.  Just 10 mins practice each day can help make a big difference.

Not only will playing with your balance help as an exercise – it will also help prepare you for skiing/riding uneven and varied terrain on the slopes.

 Wobble Board

  • Planking

Another great exercise you can do from home is planking.

Position your body like you are about to do a push up – with your toes and hands pushing on the floor. Keep your neck straight with your head in line with your back and hold that position for 20 seconds.

For a slightly easier planking exercise, try placing your forearms flat on the ground, elbows aligned with shoulders, and lowering your body. You can keep wrists flat to the floor – or if you find it easier, clasp your hands together. Again, hold for 20 seconds.

It doesn’t sound long but by planking every day, you’re really working your core and will feel the benefit on the ski hill.


  • Yoga

Taking up yoga classes will not only will help you become more flexible before you hit the slopes – but it’s also a great form of exercise to help keep you supple during your ski holiday.

The movements we make when skiing and snowboarding use different muscle groups to most form of exercise and yoga can help increase your muscle strength, so the impact of practicing winter sports isn’t so much of a shock to the system for your body.

Yoga will help improve athletic performance and can reduce risk of injury – a few simple post skiing exercises in your chalet/hotel can go a long way to ease those aches and pains collected on the hill.

Check out the video below from Anna Kathalina Langer for a 20 min Après Ski Yoga routine.


  • Get a pedicure

OK, so not quiet a fitness tip – but with your feet spending a lot of time in hard boots, give yourself a little pre and post trip pampering!

Footcare is an important factor when it comes to snow sports – wearing correctly fitted boots and keeping boots dry and fresh to protect against bacterial and fungal growth is essential to your enjoyment on the mountain.

Pamper your feet and take good care of them with a pedicure, alongside using our Drysure Extreme boot dryers and your feet will thank you for it!


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